Friday, April 5, 2013

Plum Brandy

I just realized that I forgot to photograph the two letters I sent out today ... Bummer because they were really cute! But I was afraid that I'd miss the mail carrier who usually has come and gone by the time I finished up that second letter this afternoon. Besides, I was distracted. My godson brought by an early birthday present last night - a large bottle of a Serbian plum brandy...

I poured some earlier for a friend of mine who was over visiting. Excited to show me (via her cellphone) a photo of this hottie she spotted on facebook, she excitedly reached over and spilled her brandy on some absolutely lovely envelopes I made from pages of Yoga Journal (eek!), my personal journal, my nook, a penpal letter from an Australian friend that was next in the queue to be answered, the envelope of the letter I was working on at the time - and a couple of drops on the letter I was writing! Thankfully, my letter-in-progress to Tony-in-Liverpool was not harmed, the next-in-queue envelope was soaked, but surprisingly, it did not leak through at all so the letter itself was unharmed (quality paper, that stationery she used!), my nook and journal got dried quickly as my daughter was moving fast as were my friend and I in the whole damage control process - but alas, my beautiful Yoga Journal envelopes! (Sigh) It could have been a lot worse. However - I have gone over to her facebook page to retrieve a photo of the guy who caused all of this trouble in the first place...

...And so it is clearly understandable how my girl - any girl - could lose her cool!

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