Friday, April 12, 2013


My laptop is out-of-service for a couple of weeks, so this slows me down. Hoping to figure out how to get photos up here via my track phone & nook hd. If it's doable, I will. Got a bit behind on my letter writing. I got sick right after my birthday and have been in bed ill, Tuesday-Thursday.

Cerridwen and Brittany got me an American Girl doll for my birthday; that was amazing! Finally, on my 47th birthday, I get an AG doll. She's adorable! It'll be fun to make clothes for her ... She wants hipper, funkier clothes than one usually finds for 18" dolls. I plan to hook her up.

So I got another letter written today. I plan to have two more ready for the mailcarrier tomorrow afternoon...At least. My flow has been ebbing recently, but Ican work with that, too. The flow will pick back up soon enough. Pics whenever.

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